$1,888.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Tits Out 1:1 Coaching (3 months)

In a nutshell, my love, you're getting a copywriter, an in-house graphic designer, a branding specialist, a psychic medium and a business coach....all in one sexy package. I know, I know. It's a fucking steal. đŸ˜‰

For 3 magical months, you’ll get my eyes & personalized feedback on all elements of your business, branding, content creation, and of course personal coaching through any inner “stuff” that arises as you build, launch & grow your iconic brand online. 


You’re ready to make a shit-ton of money doing the work you were BORN TO DO, all while showing up online as your most self-expressed, confident, ICONIC self. 🔥


✨3 months

✨2 45-min zoom calls/month (6 in total)

✨Voxer support M-F. This may be used for anything (ex: Biz questions, launch strategy, branding or content questions, questions for my psychic channel, etc.)

✨Copy & design zhuzhing on branding & marketing materials (sales pages, emails, posts, etc.)